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Personal Information

We collect certain information regarding your device details many of the times, also when you do
contact us, we will collect more information as per best and satisfactory service.

Device Details – We collect various device details like version of web browser, IP address, time
zone, cookie information, what sites or products you view, search terms, and how you interact with
the Site and we collect this for the sake best site experience for any specific user.

Order information – WE collect few details like address, payment information, email address and
phone number if required sometimes, this is used for the courier details and for the customization

Cookie:- We do save various pop up information in our cookie, also some of the card details for the
best of user experience.

Payment Gateway:- Payment gateways are third parties and do not save any critical information
which is no required.

For more information or any question related to the personal details, please contact us on

Note:- All the above details will only be used for the best experience and site purpose, will not be
used anywhere across places.

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