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our story

About our Store

We at VR Handicrafts creates the art for you and helps to make you happy with what best we can do

Give us a chance to serve you all with the best we can with any of the following:- 

  • Leather Bags
  • Leather Journals
  • Customized name Plates for House
  • Customized name plates for Offices
  • Acrylic name plates
  • Customized magnets for Refrigerators quote
  • Customized magnets for brand promotions
  • Name sign boards
  • Customized watches
Who we are

Our Story

We have just started this as a gift idea to our relatives, and they liked it like boom whether its nameplate, bags or journals.

So we thought and planned to put it on our instagram pages and people started responding.

Now here we have, we are specialized in various customizations for bags and journals, also we are customizing your thoughts into nameplates with multiple Arts like thread arts, wooden nameplates, acrylic nameplates and many more.

Craft makes our homes more human.

– Ilse Crawford.  

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